Architecture //
Oil & gas / Mining
As the Oil & Gas and Mining industries continue to develop and expand, so too does Riddell Kurczaba’s mandate for bringing our technical and sustainability expertise to every Oil & Gas/ Mining project that we create. We’re always looking for new and dynamic ways to help these industries develop, and because we’ve been around since Alberta became the energy hub of Canada in the early '80s, RK can confidently offer the kind of quality service that comes with a fine knowledge of our province’s past and current economic climate.
“[RK’s] experience, vision, and expertise were the key reasons why this project met all of [NWR Partnership’s] ‘Guiding Principles’ requirements, and exceeded client’s expectations.”
Featured Projects
Brion Energy
Cameco Corporation
Canadian Natural Resources
Husky Energy
Imperial Oil
MEG Energy
NWR Partnership
Nova Gas
NUMAC Energy
Pembina Pipeline
TransCanada PipeLines
facility types
Administration buildings
Control rooms & buildings
Operations buildings
Housing/ camp facilities for operations & construction personnel
Warehousing & distribution buildings
Laboratory, engineering & test facilities
Materials management & handling facilities
Workforce housing & camp infrastructure
Guardhouse/ security buildings
Emergency response facilities
Vehicle/ equipment maintenance buildings & service facilities
Specialized audio/ visual facilities
Cafeterias/ lunch rooms
High-bay areas with significant crane requirements
Machine shops
Utility & ancillary buildings